How to uninstall Synergy 3

Help & Troubleshooting

Synergy 3
Operating system:
Windows, macOS, and Linux

Before uninstalling

If you are experiencing any issues with your installation, the first step should always be to reset all settings. To reset all settings in Synergy 3:

  1. Open Synergy
  2. Click Local settings
  3. Click Open reset options
  4. Click Reset all computers

If your problem is not resolved after doing this, continue with the uninstall steps.

After uninstalling

For a more thorough uninstallation, manually remove the config files which are stored on disk:

  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\Synergy
  • macOS: ~/Library/Preferences/synergy
  • Linux: ~/.config/Synergy

Uninstall steps

Windows 10/11

  1. Reset all settings (see top of page)
  2. Click the Windows menu
  3. Search for Settings
  4. Click Apps
  5. Look for Synergy on the list
  6. Click Uninstall
  7. Click Yes on the dialog that appears
  8. Remove config files (see top of page)


  1. Reset all settings (see top of page)
  2. Open the Finder
  3. Go to Applications folder
  4. Drag Synergy to the trash
  5. Remove config files (see top of page)


First, reset all settings from the Synergy app (see top of page).

Next, use your preferred package manager to uninstall Synergy.

APT (default on Ubuntu)

Open the Terminal app and run the commands:

-code- $ sudo apt remove synergy -/code-

-code- $ rm -r ~/.config/Synergy -/code-

DNF (default on Fedora 22+)

Open the Terminal app an run the commands:

-code- $ sudo dnf remove synergy -/code-

-code- $ rm -r ~/.config/Synergy -/code-

Other package managers

Please read the documentation for your package manager, and follow the instructions to remove a package. If you're having problems, please contact us.

Talk to a human

If this article didn't help, you can talk to someone on our support team (unless we sent you here, in which case please reply via the ticket you already have open).

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