Contribute to Open Source

The Synergy team contributes code and financial support to upstream projects.
Join us in supporting the sustainability of open source software.

The Deskflow project was established to cultivate community-driven development where everyone can collaborate. Synergy sponsors the Deskflow project by contributing code and providing financial support.

Contribute to Deskflow

You can contribute by reporting an issue, raising a PR, or even by helping to improve documentation.

Summer Sale now on, use promo code SUMMER19 for 15% off all personal licenses.

Upstream dependencies

As well as Deskflow upstream, Synergy depends on many open source libraries.
One of the most important is OpenSSL, which is crucial to keeping Synergy secure.

Contribute to OpenSSLSponsor OpenSSL

Summer Sale now on, use promo code SUMMER19 for 15% off all personal licenses.