v3.2.1 (November 25, 2024)
Bug fixes (patch)
- Cannot open GUI, shows Wayland message only
- Update available button shows when using latest version
- Loading screen shows indefinitely when upgrading from 3.0.80 to 3.2.0
- Double-click tray icon error: browser window has not yet been created
- Changing 'Network device' causes error: selected index out of bounds
v3.2.0 (November 21, 2024)
Wayland support is here!
We would like to announce experimental Wayland support for Synergy on Linux. Wayland is a replacement for the X11 window system protocol and architecture.
Special thanks
Peter Hutterer (@whot) and Olivier Fourdan (@ofourdan) from Red Hat for their work on implementing Wayland support. Peter Hutterer's work on libei
and libportal
is fundamental for Wayland support for Synergy.
- Wayland support (with libei and static linked libportal 0.8)
- Press enter to continue from 'Name your computer' page
- Show version number in error summary above stack trace
- Fix all security hotspots in Service
- Fix all security hotspots in GUI
- Refactor all screen layout components
- Improve use of systemctl on Ubuntu
- Improve use of tccutil on macOS
- Run Windows Daemon install script during Setup
- Upgrade to Node 20 now that Electron supports it
- Remove nsvg dependency
- Rename Linux packages to reflect runner OS
- Update Node packages for security fixes
- Change 'Show noisy Core error dialogs' setting to all core errors
- Make version stage optional for app title
Bug fixes
- Screens can be resized beyond the screen layout bounds
- Multiple green lines on screen layout
- Error: could not enable pre-login permission
- Two attempts required to login with serial key
- Clicking 'Config file' switch causes: Error: bad route
- Error: No primary computer is set on first setup
- Screen layout reset when offline computer comes online
- Failed to add hotkey action
- Error: `chown: -R: No such file or directory`
- Core restarts when 'mouseUp' occurs on `ScreenLayoutEditor` white-space
- Error: attempting to send to log window ipc channel newLogLines before it is created
- Vague "Unknown error" when changing any toggle
- Auto discovering works in a strange way
- Service window is not automatically closed after reboot
- Exit using tray does not kill service and application icon remains
- Error: cannot create serial key hash with empty values
- Wrong free trial link and deprecation warnings
- Not all login errors are displayed
- Unable to open logs and PC icon is not shown on screen layout
- Screen appears in top left with new config
- Black box when running GUI via .deb on Linux
- Auto discover starts working only after reboot
- Unable to update serial key on all computers
- Fatal: failed to launch, error: process immediately stopped
- Error: failed to save pre-login agent config
- ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED (-102) loading 'http://localhost:3000/#/'
- Error spam in GUI console log about image types
- GUI takes 30 seconds to show on Wayland (and CPU is idle)
- Nx caches out core deps
- Unable to update serial key by logging into account
- Unable to set serial key when app first starts
- Screen overlaps exactly when new screen added
- Empty screen layout when first starting
- Dismissing tutorial restarts Core process
- Removing computer does not work anymore
- Core still runs when computer is removed
- Not redirected to 'Name your computer' page after free trial sign up
- Dragging one screen over another picks up the other screen
- Service shows as offline but only for about and log windows
- Removed computer is quickly re-added on other computers
- Report diagnostic toggle does nothing when clicked
- Error: libQt6DBus.so.6: cannot open shared object file
- libpugixml.so.1: cannot open shared object on Fedora 40
- Version number has 'v' prefixed in package filename
- Unable to reset using diagnostic tool
- Diagnostic reset button is hidden on macOS and Windows
- Clicking the continue button on the Create password page doesn't redirect to the ext page
- Reset has no effect on Windows when service is not running