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Contact the Synergy team

Personal tech support, account help, and more

The contact form below is for our personal customers.
If you're a business or organization, please contact our business team.


Create a support ticket

Requesting tech support? Please attach diagnostic files.How to get diagnostic files from Synergy

Having problems with this form?

If you're having problems using this form, please email us directly: [email protected]

How to open a support ticket

Use the form to tell us how we can help. We can help with Synergy, our website, or anything else you need. A member of the Synergy team will normally respond within 24 hours, or up to 48 hours in busy periods.

Other ways to get help

Make sure you check out our help pages for useful guides on common problems with Synergy. You can also talk to other Synergy users in our various communities on Slack and Discord. We're also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and LinkedIn if that's more your thing.